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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge review

The only problem is that I think how Freddy goes out is a bit weak, I mean...the power of love does it, really? Not a good demise for a killer like Freddy if you ask me.
This definitely handled the monstrous transformation as a sort of metaphor better than My Demon Lover.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master review

Remind me never to order pizza from that place again, especially since the last time I ate there I got a severed limb with my order when I specifically said not to, oh well...that's what you get when you hire Freddy Krueger to work there. I personally think hiring Krueger was a mistake, especially since when it comes to delivery. I complained about the service twice and the employees said it wasn't their fault, people are too afraid to ask for delivery because of several Krueger related incidents. Although I question why would they hire a guy who is known for killing people in their sleep. If you want to make sure your customers don't end up dead, why hire Freddy to be your delivery boy especially considering you know what happened to the other employees?
Check out this fourth installment of the Elm Street franchise, if you dare, but remember to sleep with the lights on when you go to bed, or better yet don't fall asleep at all. If you do, Freddy might come for you...unless you want that of course.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors review

Since I already have already talked about the first two Elm Street installments I think it's time I talked about the third..and the most infamous one of all Dream Warriors, oh hell yes. This is when Freddy Fever officially kicked off and when Freddy officially became a household name. The dream demon is back and this time he's going after a new group of teens, but these aren't ordinary teens...these are teens who have powers/skills they normally don't have in their dreams. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Dream Warriors. Each of them has an unique power/ability in the dream realm which comes in useful, such as Joey's super sonic scream, Taryn's needles/knives, Roland's super-strength, Kristen's ability to pull people into her dreams, and Will's magic. Also this movie was banned in Australia for some reason, well one particular scene was...the scene where Taryn dies via Freddy's needle-claws.
The kills are very creative and some of the best Freddy deaths I have ever seen in the entire franchise, including the ever memorable scene where Jennifer dozes off in front of the tv while watching a Dick Cavett interview only for Cavett to turn into Freddy and Freddy to emerge from the television uttering his famous line...'Welcome to prime-time, bitch', this definitely is the second time i've seen someone being killed via a television, okay...the third if you count Videodrome, the other one being in Grosse Pointe Blank. Does this mean that Groccer from Grosse Pointe Blank could be her father or even her uncle? Because they both die the exact same way.
I love the puppet sequence too, that's creative and has great use of stopmotion/claymation. Also it's really inventive of Freddy to use Phillip's interest in puppetry as a means to destroy him in the dream world. I also really like Joey's kill in this....Freddy appears as a sexy nurse and seduces him only to use his freakishly long tongue to pin him down to the bed. Freddy would later kill Joey in Dream Master by appearing as a sexy woman in a waterbed. Makes me wonder if Freddy would ever consider doing that type of kill often. And you can't forget Dokken's epic Dream Warriors song. And oh yeah, the freaking Freddy snake scene..the Freddy snake.
If you haven't seen this installment of the Elm Street franchise, you should..and if you don't Elm Street, don't worry you will. But if you haven't heard of it, don't worry...Freddy is going to be coming for you too, so I wouldn't bother falling asleep.

Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare review

John wakes up with amnesia after confronting Freddy in a dream and is taken with a group of other teens to a special place to live which is a shelter, by a woman simply known as Maggie (she's a vital part of this). He has just left Springwood. But it is explained he had a falling dream before he left, but Freddy didn't kill him - he let him go. So Maggie aims to cure his amnesia by taking him to Springwood, specifically the place where Freddy grew up.
I like that we get a look at Freddy's backstory and we learn he was a little demon child who liked hurting small creatures, specifically small animals, and that he had an abusive father who is played by none other than Alice Cooper. Yep, Alice has been with both Jason AND Freddy. Wow, between him and Ozzy Osborne, rock icons and horror go well together. Even the Rolling Stones have a few horror songs - although I really wish that Mick Jagger could have contributed a song for a few movies (we all know that Sympathy For The Devil would have been perfect for The Exorcist or The Omen or Night Of The Demons).
Also after suffering from a hallucination in which after the troop of teens tries to get away the map reads 'you're all fucked', they end up lost in a strange town. A strange town in which the only two residents appear to be a couple played by at the time couple Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold - don't worry, this was classic Roseanne, not controversial Roseanne (interestingly Roseanne did a halloween special with Robert Englund making a cameo as Freddy), it is later explained Freddy had a kid. Hang on a minute, in Elm Street 2 didn't he say and I quote...'You are all my children now.'? Yeah , he did.
John Doe has that same falling dream from before and he thinks that he is Freddy's son, only for it to turn out to be wrong as he falls and lands on a pit of spikes that Freddy sets up. I have to admit this death wasn't as creative as the previous deaths in the previous installments. And it does seem a bit more comedic as opposed to Dream Warriors or Dream Master or Dream Child.
This is considered the most hated of the Elm Street movies next to Freddy's Revenge...well up until the remake that is. I kind of found John's demise to be disappointing to be honest. But Carlos's death, while it is silly, it is kind of really disconcerting especially when Freddy cuts Carlos's ear off and it's made to be like everything is silent. And then there's when he gets his hearing back, or rather a super-hearing aid which stretches his ear and has these vine-like attachments forming around it, oh and to make it worse...super-sensitive hearing.
Of course Freddy naturally toys with him and uses this to his advantage, dropping pins onto the floor. Oh and if that's not enough, the ultimate ear-piercing sound to end all sounds is what kills the guy - nails on a chalkboard, or rather claws on a chalkboard. Ouch. Talk about an earful of pain. *he laughs* And yes, that terrible pun was intentionally. I did learn from the Cryptkeeper after all. And his lessons are so good they're scary, but I have to say if you must axe me any questions about it, I will say it will cost you.
It turns out that Freddy's child is female, not just any woman though but Maggie. Maggie or as she is formally known - Katherine, was Freddy's daughter. We also find out and see the dream demons, which I have to admit do look like a bit like tadpoles. We actually also get to see Freddy as he was before he got burned too, which is a nice touch, also through Maggie's dreams we see him about to kill his wife. The next death I admit is probably the funniest death of the series and the best one in the movie, basically Spencer the resident stoner of the trio has a dream while watching television and tripping out.
Also look who pops up to warn us of the evils of drug use on the brain, it's Johnny Depp. Depp was in the first Elm Street, it was his breakout role. It's funny he was in this and in the first Elm Street considering the year prior to the release of this movie he played another famous character with blades for hands/fingers in the movie Edward Scissorhands. So after a brilliant send up of those iconic 'This is your brain/This is your brain on drugs' PSAs, we get this really trippy sequences in which Spencer gets pulled into a television screen and it's like a video game, a video game where he has to run from enemies such as his own dad who chants 'be like me' .
And it's a real fun little sequence too, but unfortunately Spencer/Super Spencer doesn't live long as Freddy takes control and starts making it harder for him. In the real world, oh boy...Spencer is hopping around and moving on his own as if he is possessed by a demented cartoon character and it isn't too long until it's game over for him. Oh yes, and that powerglove line, you all know it...'Hey, you forgot the powerglove!' 'Now we're playing with power!' Hey..what, do you know, I beat my high score?'. Also we learn that just because they have left Spingwood doesn't mean they have left Elm Street, after all...as Freddy says, every town has an Elm Street. He's right you know, there's always that weird town that nobody goes near because it has a dark history to it...like Santa Carla with all those damn vampires, Stepford, Amityvile, Maine in pretty much any of Stephen King's horror novels, and Valkenvania. There is always a town like that.
Maggie finally gets to take down her 'father' by pulling him out of the dream world, attacking him with his own glove and giving him the old pipe bomb in the chest. But this won't be the last of him. This movie doesn't deserve to get as hated as it is, personally I like it...I found it to be fun.
True, it's a bit more comedic - actually it's a lot more comedic than the previous installments but I don't mind that, while there are some parts that are incredibly goofy like Freddy's impersonation of the Wicked Witch of The West, it's not terrible by any means.

A Nightmare on Elm Street review

Based on a series of occurences that Wes Craven himself read about, about a bunch of teenagers being killed in their sleep, this is Nightmare On Elm Street. The movie that launched an icon, and what an icon indeed. If you haven't heard of Freddy Krueger, I pity you for not knowing about him and I hope he'll visit you in your nightmares, because you deserve to be introduced to him.
Freddy is an icon, iconically portrayed by Robert Englund in all of the main movies in this franchise and Freddy VS Jason, this killer's look cannot be mistaken for anyone else, with his unsettling scarred/burned looking face, his signature hat and sweater, and of course his gloves with the claws. After the parents of the children of Elm Street burn him, he comes back from the dead as a dream demo to haunt said children/teens in their dreams and thus making it unsafe for them to fall asleep. 1,2 Freddy's coming for you, 3,4 better lock your door.
No one else can pull off Freddy quite like Robert Englund does, which is probably why the remake failed. Also I adore the Treehouse Of Horror parody of this with Groundskeeper Willie, that's one of the best Simpsons halloween episodes/segments in my opinion.
If you have not seen NOES yet, don't worry...Freddy is coming for you.

Fate/Zero review

Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers review

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“Ah, Nightmare On Elm Street. The franchise that has made us all afraid to sleep at night and introduced people to the concept of a killer who can kill people in their dreams in the form of Mr Freddy Krueger, of course Freddy became so popular that merchandise of the character was made and he got his” read more
“Once again I have returned to Elm Street to tackle everyone's favorite dream demon...this time we are going to be talking about Nightmare On Elm Street 4: Dream Master, some of our beloved dream warrior friends are back but we've got some faces including Alice, Rick, Dan, and Debbie. Each of them” read more
Since I already have already talked about the first two Elm Street installments I think it's time I talked about the third..and the most infamous one of all Dream Warriors, oh hell yes. This is when Freddy Fever officially kicked off and when Freddy officially became a household name. The” read more
“Ah, hello my monstrous little darlings. If you haven't been paying attention to my reviews recently I have been talking about one particular series, the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise. In the previous installment I talked about Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and how despite the few pr” read more
“Ah, the land of dreams...the place that we feel the most safe, where nothing can possibly harm you, but what if those sweet dreams weren't made of this at all? What if those dreams were horrifying? What if those dreams were fatal? What if if you woke up from having a particular terrifying nightmare ” read more
“Despite what Blackbluedawg says, I enjoyed it a lot, it has a lot of character and an amazing plot that is kind of similar to Zootopia.” read more